App Review: Boci Series

Hi everyone, we are back! Already one month without a new post… The Havefunwithkids crew have been quite busy with holidays and visits from Oma, Opa and Tia Sita….

Anyway, in this post I’m going to talk about Boci series, new free apps for children that I just installed a few weeks ago. As I mentioned here, we usually keep around ten apps in my tablet. We install new apps every few weeks and delete apps that Carla and Renan don’t want anymore.

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Free App Review-Endless Alphabet


Lots of parents don’t really like their kids to use a smartphone or a tablet. But for me, I don’t mind, as long as they don’t use it too often or too long. It buys me time to do things that just have to be done, like ironing the mountains of clothes that have been waiting for weeks on the ironing board … and I think good apps are actually beneficial for kids. They can learn quite a lot of skills from those apps.

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