Our Holiday in Brazil


Hi everyone, we are back in Singapore after spending a month in Brazil. We had a nice, relaxing holiday there. It was great to catch up with nonna, nonno, all the tias and tios, and to see Carla and Renan’s baby cousin Elisa.

We didn’t really go to many places in Brazil. We mainly stayed with nonna and nonno at their farm in Garibaldi and spent a few days in Porto Alegre.

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Brazil Part 1: Garibaldi and Porto Alegre


Today I’m going to write about Papai’s country, Brazil. He’s from Rio Grande do Sul, a state in the South of Brazil, close to Argentina and Uruguay. People from Rio Grande do Sul are called Gauchos. They are usually very proud of their land and culture, and are even said to be prouder being Gauchos than being Brazilians. Most of them are descendants of European immigrants from Italy, Germany, Spain and Portugal. Continue reading