Oma, Opa and Tia Sita in Canada


It’s already almost end of the year, time is really flying! In around one month, Carla and Renan are going to have their winter holiday. Seems like only yesterday we had our summer holiday. Summer holiday was a lot of fun, especially since Oma, Opa and Tia Sita came here to visit us in August.

We did a lot of fun things while they were here.

We went to Alberta Legislature. We enjoyed strolling in the big beautiful garden full of colourful flowers there.

We also explored the city of Edmonton….


We went to Fort Edmonton Park. It was a super fun day for all of us. If you come to Edmonton for a visit, you really should come to Ford Edmonton Park to learn about Edmonton’s history. You’ll have a great time too!

We went to West Edmonton Mall a few times.

Oma, Opa and Tia Sita also visited Jasper. They took the train there and stayed in Jasper for two days. They said Jasper was beautiful.

There were still so many things we did together. Tia Sita went to Fringe Festival with us after coming back from Jasper, while Oma and Opa stayed at home to rest.


Papai, Mamae and Opa went to watch Guns n’Roses. It was one of the highlights of the Canadian trip for Opa!

We didn’t go out all the time. Carla and Renan enjoyed having quality time with Oma and Opa at home.

We went for a walk in our neighbourhood quite often. Oma, Opa and Tia Sita enjoyed the quiet and peaceful environment….

We were so happy that Oma, Opa and Tia Sita were here for Renan’s 6th birthday!

Oma had a pleasant surprise here. She was born in The Netherlands and lived there for five years before moving to Indonesia for good. One of her earliest memories was playing in the snow. Imagine her delight, to be able to touch snow again after more than sixty years! We didn’t even expect to get snow, it was summer after all, but one day in early September the snow just started to fall!

Tia Sita went back to Indonesia in August, while Oma and Opa stayed until end of September. They went to Vancouver before going to Hongkong and Indonesia. I went to Vancouver with them. We stayed for two days. Vancouver was a lot of fun! Here are some pictures we took in Vancouver.

My favourite picture in Vancouver! What a gorgeous city….


We hope Oma, Opa and Sita can visit us again very soon!

9 thoughts on “Oma, Opa and Tia Sita in Canada

  1. Wow, you live in Canada now?
    My neighbor, a Balinese guy, married a Canadian girl and they have a little daughter called Kelia. Now they are in Canada for visitting Kelia’s mom hometown šŸ™‚

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